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What is varnasrama? (General perspective)

Varnasrama in a nutshell means performing ones duties according to ones nature and work. Everybody has got a particular nature according to ones past karmic activities and also according to what one associates with in this lifetime as well. This is actually the secondary nature whereas the primary nature is that of the soul, but because of the bodily identification the secondary nature becomes very prominently functional and the primary nature of the soul is very much covered up. The goal of our life should be to revive our primary nature which is what we call as self realization by which one can become free from the innumerable sufferings of this world and be situated in ones natural position as a servant of God as sat-cit-ananda.. eternal, full of knowledge and bliss.

But reviving our primary nature is a gradual process and the identification with the gross and subtle bodies which has been there from many lifetimes does not go away so fast. For that one has to do two things simultaneously - cultivating love for God and also purifying ones secondary nature. Cultivating love for God is called pure devotional service whereas purifying ones secondary nature is called as varnasrama dharma (varnasrama in short).

Pure devotional service comprises of sravanam kirtanam visnum... hearing and glorifying the Lord, serving the Lord, making friendship with the Lord and His devotees etc. Varnasrama comprises of taking care of the needs of the body and mind not only of the individual but also of society at large. It is very broad and covers so many aspects like social, emotional, physical, occupational etc.

Just like a car given by company has to be used in the service of the company like for going to the company, similarly, human body is given by God to be utilised for self realization and to engage it in His loving service. The car however needs to be maintained properly as much as required, similarly, the needs of body and mind have to be taken care of. This can be accomplished by properly performing our varnasrama duties. If maintenance of the car is over-prioritized and one is not going to the company, it's like just performing our varnasrama duties but not achieving love for God. Then ones life becomes waste because one did not achieve the goal. Also if the car is not properly taken care of then one won't be able to perform his service to the company properly, similarly, if we neglect our varnasrama duties then it can seriously affect our cultivation of love for God. There's a fine balance which is required which we have to do by using our God given intelligence.

Varnasrama is a very vast topic. You can give your suggestions or comments and share ideas on varnasrama from different perspectives.

Let us try to revive varnasrama so that it can help in propogating love for God at large scale for the benefit of the whole world.


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