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How they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain

Prabhupada: So one side, there is no rain; one side, there is no rice, especially in India; and one side, heavy tax. So they'll be all confused. They have already become confused. So in the confusion state it will be very difficult to make them Krishna conscious. Therefore preliminary help should be given.
Visnujana: Preliminary.
Prabhupada: Yes. That they should not be in chaos and confusion. Otherwise, how the brain will work?
Visnujana: Yes. No one can give rapt attention without peace of mind.
Prabhupada: Yes, yes. Our main aim is how to give them Krishna consciousness. But if they are already disturbed in every respect, then how they'll take it? Therefore we are taking these subjects, to help him to come to the Krishna consciousness. And this is the method-varnasrama.

Visnujana: ...This is the most auspicious work for now, is this remedial measure to stop the chaos in the world?
Prabhupada: Yes.
Visnujana: That's most auspicious.
Prabhupada: Most auspicious. Because if the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain.

Visnujana: ...When we first go to open a temple in a city we get an apartment or a storefront. But then, when more and more people come, then we should get land and cows and everything and...
Prabhupada: Yes, yes.
Visnujana: ...and turn it into a society.
Hrdayananda: Ah, that's wonderful.

—Morning Walk "Varnasrama College"
Vrndavana 14 March 1974


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